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Versions of the PSI Consulting Series from for $2.99 with free shipping

You can also buy PSI Consulting Paperbacks directly from the Publisher.  I used to give coupons for this, but the coupon price doesn't discount it enough to cover the extra shipping costs, but the option is there... 

If you're in Bakersfield, California, you can stop by Russo's Bookstore and they have both PSI Consulting books in stock for $8.99 each.

Finally -- you can email me anytime to get a signed copy delivered directly to your home.  Pay $10 through Paypal and I'll send it out within three days. is a digital download site so even if you don't have a Kindle, you can read the digital book right on your computer (even cheaper than the Kindle version if you use the coupon code - and no shipping).  Coupon codes good until October 31, 2009.

 Now Smashwords I can discount.  If you use this coupon code (FY69H), Painting the Roses Red is only $1.99 to download the full book.  Click Here to Enjoy!

Use this coupon code (DT84K) to get the digital download of Never Smile at a Crocodile for $1.99.  Click Here to Enjoy!

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